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When and how can any Nidhi company create other branches?



1. Any Nidhi company can open its branches only if it is in profit for 3 years and is following the Nidhi rule properly.
2. A Nidhi Company can open only 3 branches in a district
3. If more branches are to be opened than this, then he will have to take permission from his Regional Director first or if he has opened then within 30 days the information will have to reach the Regional Director.
4. No Nidhi can open its branches outside its state such as deposit-taking and giving
5. No Nidhi company can open any branches without submitting its return file.
6. Any Nidhi company will have to issue notice to its member 30 days before closing its branch and also have to advertise in the newspaper, and also inform the registrar 30 days in advance.

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